Recently a friend from Louisiana was here in La Grange, WY for a visit. She has a son who is handicapped and has seizures. Until he was 7 he was able to walk and talk and was learning other different things, but then the Drs put him on high dosages of medication......
Whenever the atmospheric pressure changes, Samuel gets really bad headaches and often has seizures. I had given Mary a sample of Deep Blue to try on her shoulder for pain. One night after Samuel had been up bouncing (which he does not do!) on the bed in pain and seeing his arm literally drawing up in pain. she decided to use the Deep Blue on him and see what would happen.
She rubbed the oil on his head, neck, and down his arm. In less than 5 minutes, his arm had straightened back out, and he was asleep. She was amazed at the results!!
The next night he was awake and in pain again so she rubbed him down and again in less than 5 minutes he was asleep! She decided right then that she wanted to buy a whole bottle :)
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