Friday, September 14, 2012

doTERRA and Horses

James and I work on a ranch here in WY.  There are lots of horses, as is the usual on a ranch ;)  The flies have been HORRIBLE this year, and I was getting tired of seeing them on all the horses so much.  I gave our friend, Harold, some TERRAShield and told him to use it on his horse, Peppi.  He rubbed it on and was amazed to find that the flies left it alone!  I was so excited ;)

Then, Peppi went lame.  He couldn't walk very well at all and so Harold just put him out to pasture.  The vet said that there wasn't much they could do, they thought it might be arthritis.

So, I gave Harold some Lemongrass and Fractionated Coconut Oil and told him to massage his horse with it.  Harold took the oils and massaged them into the leg and muscle that was lame.  He said that the next day, he saw Peppi RUNNING around in the pasture!  The horse has not had any more problems since then and that's been about a month!! 

These oils are truly amazing and they WORK for humans as well as animals ;)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Cleanse & Renew System

My father - in - law was a missionary to Bolivia for 15 years.  During that time, he had an episode with hepatitis.  Since then, he has had to watch what he eats; no spicy foods, no boiled foods, not too much garlic, or other spices.  Suffice it to say his diet has been pretty bland! :)

I finally convinced him to try our GX and PB Assist products.  He did the cleanse and renewal the correct way and for the specified time.  I asked him if he could tell a difference, and he said that he could not :(  I was so disappointed, because I just KNEW that it was gonna help him!

About a month later he came to WY to visit and one night after I had made Beef Straganoff for supper, he surprised me by saying,

"I know you're gonna have a lot of fun, so I really don't want to tell you this! BUT, I can eat ANYTHING I want to eat now!  It took a while for me to notice the difference, but I can really tell that the doTERRA stuff really worked!"

Boy, did that make me feel good!   I couldn't resist telling tons of people about it that night :)

So, for a colon cleanse and renew, try doTERRA's GX assist & PB Assist!  You can't go wrong.....

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Deep Blue Success!

Recently a friend from Louisiana was here in La Grange, WY for a visit.  She has a son who is handicapped and has seizures.  Until he was 7 he was able to walk and talk and was learning other different things, but then the Drs put him on high dosages of medication......

Whenever the atmospheric pressure changes, Samuel gets really bad headaches and often has seizures.  I had given Mary a sample of Deep Blue to try on her shoulder for pain. One night after Samuel had been up bouncing (which he does not do!) on the bed in pain and seeing his arm literally drawing up in pain. she decided to use the Deep Blue on him and see what would happen. 

She rubbed the oil on his head, neck, and down his arm.  In less than 5 minutes, his arm had straightened back out, and he was asleep.  She was amazed at the results!!

The next night he was awake and in pain again so she rubbed him down and again in less than 5 minutes he was asleep!  She decided right then that she wanted to buy a whole bottle :)