Thursday, August 30, 2012

Cleanse & Renew System

My father - in - law was a missionary to Bolivia for 15 years.  During that time, he had an episode with hepatitis.  Since then, he has had to watch what he eats; no spicy foods, no boiled foods, not too much garlic, or other spices.  Suffice it to say his diet has been pretty bland! :)

I finally convinced him to try our GX and PB Assist products.  He did the cleanse and renewal the correct way and for the specified time.  I asked him if he could tell a difference, and he said that he could not :(  I was so disappointed, because I just KNEW that it was gonna help him!

About a month later he came to WY to visit and one night after I had made Beef Straganoff for supper, he surprised me by saying,

"I know you're gonna have a lot of fun, so I really don't want to tell you this! BUT, I can eat ANYTHING I want to eat now!  It took a while for me to notice the difference, but I can really tell that the doTERRA stuff really worked!"

Boy, did that make me feel good!   I couldn't resist telling tons of people about it that night :)

So, for a colon cleanse and renew, try doTERRA's GX assist & PB Assist!  You can't go wrong.....