Monday, July 25, 2011

On Guard! ...

So I hate bugs and mosquitoes!  And ticks!!!  Have been trying to find something that would keep them away from me when I'm out and about.

I decided to try my On Guard (a doTerra Essential Oil Blend) the other day when I went to feed our calves, and it worked!!!  Usually there are dear flies, flies, mosquitoes, ants, and all kinds of other pesky things that find me and bite, but this time I came back in with no bumps or stings, or itchies of any kind!  :)  Got my husband to try it out and it worked for him too :)  Now I'm loving the out and about stuff!

I just applied a drop to my wrists and ankles and was pest to get your own!  It's a great price and all natural.  It has many uses (other than bug repellant):  you can use it to clean, you can brush your teeth with it, it keeps away harmful bacteria, etc.  Love this stuff!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011


after one week

after one week
 Ok!!!  I wasn't going to write about this until I had finished my whole
bottle of Helichrysum, but I just can't wait :)  I have had really bad psoriasis for years now, especially so on my legs.  I have tried all kinds of creams and potions from doctors, home remedies that are disgusting, and all kinds of aloe vera, banana peels, etc.!  Thankfully I decided to try Helichrysum from doTerra Essential Oils!  My husband cannot believe the difference in just one week!  Click here to find out how to order Helichrysum for yourself!  If you have any questions, I'd love to try to answer them for you, and if I can't I'll definitely find the answer!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


This past weekend we had James' grandparents and some of the cousins come to visit.  It was a great time!

While they were here, I introduced them to doTerra oils.  We talked about all the things that they do, I showed them my Modern Essentials book that describes each oil and we looked up ailments that Grammy wanted to find help for...

Popper has arthritis in his left ankle, and Grammy wanted to know what oils I had for that.  Of course, I pulled out my trusty Deep Blue and Frankincense oils!  I put one drop of each on his ankle and had him rub it in.

The next morning as I was making pancakes for breakfast, I saw him go over to the Modern Essentials book and begin looking through it.  He called Grammy over and said, "I really can't believe how much those oils helped!  It's not hurting!"

Needless to say, they signed up that day :)  Now Grammy and Popper are thinking of others who might benefit from using doTerra oils!  Click here to see how to order them for yourself!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Deep Blue....

So my husband, James, works on a ranch.  Riding horses, branding calves, and doing lots of fencing, among other things....  Last Friday as he was riding his horse and gathering some cows, one of the cows got away and he and his horse went chasing it.  They went down a steep hill and at the bottom of it the horse turned sharply.  AM (the horse) went one way and James went flying off the other way.  Before he could roll out of the way AM stepped on his ankle!

James came home swollen and bruised, his ankle and back hurting pretty badly.  We were leaving for a camp that evening and by the time we arrived in Denver, he could hardly move without groaning!

I had my oils with me, of course, so before he went to sleep I put Deep Blue, Lavender, and Frankincense oils on both his ankle and his back.  On Sunday morning, he awoke PAIN FREE!  The swelling had gone most of the way down, and his back was great.

Before this James wasn't a very big believer in the oils, but that morning he became one! :)

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Lavender Oil

My sister introduced me to Lavender essential oil from doTerra in December of 2010.  She has MS and has been using those oils for quite a while.   At first I was a little skeptical of what she said all the oils would do, but watching her and using them for myself has made me a believer!

Lavender has been a great oil for me.  Its uses are very vast.  You can use it for earaches, sunburn, relaxation, help with sleeping, etc.   Since using it for myself, I have been telling others about it.

Just Monday, July 4th, I let two others experience what it can do for them.  They were having severe troubles with allergies (the cottonwood is really bad this year here in WY) and so I asked them to try some doTerra oils.  I had them rub the oil behind their ears and within a few minutes they were both feeling much better.  The one said he could breathe much better!

Last evening my dog was holding her head crooked and kept rubbing her ear and face on the ground.  The left side of her face was a little swollen, so I told my husband to help me put some oils on her.  I rubbed Lavender, Lemon, and Peppermint oils in her left ear, and within a couple hours she was fine.  No more swelling and no more rubbing her head or ear on the ground!